17 MAY 2022
Cancellation of Saturday 28 May 2022 Seminar
I'm sorry to have to report that for the first time, our seminar and celebration of Kaicho Toguchi's birthday has been cancelled as our student numbers do not provide the necessary support required for this annual event, and the many hours of preparation and training required for this special celebratory day.
On behalf of the Black Belts of Shorei-Kan Canada, Shuswap Dojo, thank you to all who did sign up to help us honour Master Toguchi. We appreciate your dedication and support in the true spirit of karate.
27 APRIL 2022
Annual Seminar - Saturday 28 May 2022
The Shuswap Dojo will be holding its Annual Seminar on Saturday, May 28th in honour of Kaicho Toguchi’s birthday. We’d like to see everyone turn out for this special celebration and please bring your family members to observe the event and help us enjoy the Barbecue with hot dogs & hamburgers following the seminar.
For more information, please check the home page on our web site: https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/ and to enter as a participant, please fill in and submit your attendance form: https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/2022-seminar no later than Saturday, May 20th.
7 APRIL 2022
Update on COVID-19 Protocols
As a result of the BC Provincial Health Officer’s announcements on 10 March and 6 April:
1. The wearing of masks in the Dojo has been optional since Friday 11 March.
2. Students, instructors and spectators will no longer need to show proof of vaccination to enter the Dojo starting Friday 8 April.
Notwithstanding the lifting of the mask and proof of vaccination mandates, we need to continue to be vigilant to minimize the potential transmission of COVID-19 which continues to be a risk. Therefore:
Hand sanitizer will continue to be available.
The wearing of masks remains optional but is encouraged. Adult and children size disposable masks will continue to be available for your convenience. As people have differing comfort levels, we must be respectful of everyone whether they choose to wear a mask or not.
If you experience COVID-19 or cold/flu like symptoms, or have tested positive for COVID-19, DO NOT ATTEND CLASS. If you will be missing classes for any reason, please let us know.
13 MARCH 2022
(for returning students)
COVID-19 Protocols
In my 18 Feb e-mail, I indicated that we would do a review of our spring session COVID-19 protocols following an update by the Provincial Health Officer. As a result of the 10 March press conference and a review of our Dojo risk assessment, here are the new Dojo COVID-19 protocols:
Wearing of masks: optional.
Proof of vaccination:
Up to Thursday 7 April (in keeping with our current winter session protocols):
All persons 12 years old and up: must be fully vaccinated (2 doses).
All persons 5 to 11 years old: must be partially vaccinated (first dose).
Starting Friday 8 April: not required.
For more details, visit our website COVID-19 Protocols page: https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/covid-19
Code of Ethics and Conduct
As a result of the COVID-19 challenges and the lessons learned from operating the Dojo since its re-opening in Oct 2021, we have developed a Code of Ethics and Conduct. The Code of Ethics is the set of overarching principles based on the core values of Shorei-Kan (the House of Politeness and Respect). The Code of Conduct is the set of rules that we follow to support those values, and which provides the framework for the operation of the Dojo. I encourage all students and parents to read this important document before the start of the spring session. The document is available on our website: https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/documentation A paper copy is also available at the Dojo.
Spring session reminder
The spring session for returning students (I.e. those who attended the winter session) will be from 22 Mar to 16 Jun; there will be classes during the school spring break. This is the final reminder that the deadline to let us know if you plan to attend or not the spring session is Fri 18 Mar using the online Returning Student Confirmation Form https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/returning-student-confirmation-form If no form is received, we will assume that you are not returning and your spot will be reassigned to a new student.
13 MARCH 2022
(for new/rejoining students)
COVID-19 Protocols
In my 18 Feb e-mail, I indicated that we would do a review of our spring session COVID-19 protocols following an update by the Provincial Health Officer. As a result of 10 March press conference and a review of our Dojo risk assessment, here are the new Dojo COVID-19 protocols:
Wearing of masks: optional.
Proof of vaccination: not required as of Fri 8 Apr.
For more details, visit our website COVID-19 Protocols page: https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/covid-19
Code of Ethics and Conduct
As a result of the COVID-19 challenges and the lessons learned from operating the Dojo since its re-opening in Oct 2021, we have developed a Code of Ethics and Conduct. The Code of Ethics is the set of overarching principles based on the core values of Shorei-Kan (the House of Politeness and Respect). The Code of Conduct is the set of rules that we follow to support those values, and which provides the framework for the operation of the Dojo. Please read this important document if you wish to join/rejoin the Dojo. The document is available on our website: https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/documentation
Spring session registration
The spring session for new students and past students rejoining after being away for one or more sessions is from 12 Apr to 16 Jun. The registration deadline is Fri 8 Apr using the online Student Registration Form https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/studentregistrationform
26 FEBRUARY 2022
Here is a summary of the winter session testing activities. This information is also available on our website calendar (https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/new-page-for-calendar):
THURSDAY 3 MAR: Notification
Eligible students considered ready for testing will be informed by their respective instructors during the regular classes. See this website page (bottom of the page) for eligibility criteria:
TUESDAY 8 MAR: Regular classes
Review of subjects during regular classes in preparation for testing.
TUESDAY 15 MAR: testing
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm: This will be a combined 6-7 year old and 8-12 year old class starting at 6:00 pm on the lower level. After a short warm-up, 6-7 year old students will be tested first, followed by the 8-12 year old students.
7:15 pm – 8:30 pm: Regular class for teens (13+) & adults.
THURSDAY 17 MAR: Presentation of test results
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm: This will be a combined 6-7 year old and 8-12 year old class starting at 6:00 pm on the lower level. Program will consist of a short warm-up/basics, demonstrations and presentation of test results (belts and stripes).
7:15 pm – 8:30 pm: Regular class for teens (13+) & adults.
In closing, this is a reminder that the deadline to let us know if you will be attending the spring session or not, is Friday 18 March. Please use the online Returning Student Confirmation Form https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/returning-student-confirmation-form This will help us determine how many new students we can accept for the spring session which starts on Tuesday 22 March. There will be regular classes during the school spring break.
18 FEBRUARY 2022
On Tues 15 Feb, the Provincial Health Officer announced changes to some of BC’s COVID-19 restrictions effective Wed 16 Feb. However, the proof of vaccination requirement and the wearing of masks remain in place for now; those two measures are the foundation of our Dojo COVID-19 protocols. Based on hospitalization and critical care rates over the coming days and weeks, the Provincial Health Officer will review the remaining protective measures by March 15, and again by April 12.
In my 10 Feb E-mail, I indicated that I would let you know no later than 7 Mar if there will be changes to our currently published spring session COVID-19 protocols (https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/covid-19); the session starts on Tues 22 Mar. Since the Provincial Health Officer’s first review of the remaining measures may not be available until 15 Mar, the 7 Mar date is not achievable. We will therefore let you know as soon as possible, but no later than Wed 16 Mar what will be our Dojo COVID-19 protocols for the spring session.
In the meantime, in preparation for the spring session:
Students currently attending the winter session:
You can start letting us know if you plan to attend or not the spring session using this form https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/returning-student-confirmation-form
As we expect an influx of new and past students if some or all of the remaining protective measures are lifted, please send us the form no later than Fri 18 Mar to guarantee your spot. The compilation of the forms will help us determine how many new/past students we can accept.
New students and past students rejoining after being away for one or more sessions:
Registration for the spring session is now open using this form https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/studentregistrationform
Since the final spring session COVID-19 protocols information may not be available until Wed 16 Mar, registration is open until Thurs 24 Mar. Students will be accepted on a space available basis.
Both forms are also available on the website.
In Dr. Bonnie Henry’s 15 Feb briefing, the slide titled Ensuring Balance in Easing Restrictions includes the following sentence:
“Individuals and organizations to assess risks and determine comfort zones in planning for changes. We expect people and organizations to go at their own pace.”
This is exactly the overall approach the Dojo has taken from day one in dealing with the COVID-19 situation by placing priority on the health and safety of our members and their families.
10 FEBRUARY 2022
The Dojo has a responsibility to provide the safest environment possible for students to learn, instructors to teach and spectators to watch. As a result, since reopening the Dojo on 19 October 2021 (after a 19 month closure), we have implemented strict COVID-19 protocols which not only meet, but exceed the BC health orders requirements. This decision was based on a risk assessment which took into account the fact that 70% of our students are under 12 years old and that seven out of our nine volunteer Black Belt instructors are over 65 years old, with two in their early 80s (teaching two evenings per week, 3.5 hours per evening).
Unfortunately, our Dojo stance (supported by all instructors) on the COVID-19 protocols has resulted in divisiveness within our Dojo family; we have received several disapproving comments, some disparaging, in written and verbal form. Over the last five months, we lost over 30 former/potential students. We anticipated that our decision would result in a loss of students as well as financially impact our Dojo. This is a choice we made and we were prepared to accept the consequences. The safety of our members and their families must take precedence.
All indications are that our decision was the right one. Whilst some Dojo students did get COVID-19, the source does not appear to be our Dojo. As well, none of our seven senior instructors were impacted by COVID-19 at the Dojo.
Many provinces are now starting to ease their COVID-19 restrictions. BC is expected to make an announcement on 15 February. We will then be revisiting our COVID-19 protocols prior to the start of the spring session (22 March). Taking into account the upcoming BC announcement and the overall COVID-19 situation within our local area, we will conduct a review of our risk assessment. We will let you know no later than 7 March if there will be changes to our currently published spring session COVID-19 protocols https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/covid-19
As a follow-up to our 2 Feb e-mail, this is to confirm that classes will resume on Tues 8 Feb. Students are reminded to perform their pre-class health check before every class and not attend class if you experience any of the symptoms. This checklist and additional information can be found in our COVID-19 Safety Plan which is available on our website under (More, Documentation). A paper copy is also available at the Dojo.
Tonight we were informed that two of our students have tested positive for Covid 19. As these two students attended class on Tuesday, February 1st we are cancelling the class for Thursday, February 3rd, as well as the Black Belt class on Saturday, February 5th. Classes will resume next Tuesday, February 8th.
13 JANUARY 2022
This is a reminder that the winter session will start on Tuesday 18 January. A few points to note:
1. COVID-19 protocols:
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and more specifically the Omicron variant, the Dojo COVID-19 safety protocols will be strictly enforced when entering our Dojo. In the best interest of all members of our extended Dojo family, we not only meet, but exceed, the BC COVID-19 health orders requirements:
Masks: All students, instructors and spectators 5 years old and up must wear a mask in the Dojo; the mask must cover the mouth and nose. Three-layer masks are highly encouraged. If you forget your mask, adult and children sized single use disposable masks are available at the Dojo.
Vaccination (applies to all students, instructors and spectators as detailed below):
5 to 11 years old: must show proof of partial vaccination (1 dose) or proof of an upcoming appointment.
12 years old and up: must show proof of full vaccination (2 doses).
Proof of vaccination only needs to be shown once. Those 12 years old and up who have already shown their proof of vaccination during the fall 2021 session do not need to show it again. Vaccination status is recorded in our Dojo attendance record.
For more details, see our website COVID-19 page (https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/covid-19)
and our COVID-19 Safety Plan (https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/documentation​
2. Pre-class health check:
Prior to each class, students, instructors and spectators must perform a pre-class health check (sample available on page 8 of our COVID-19 Safety Plan). If you answer yes to any of the questions, DO NOT COME TO CLASS. If you need to get tested and test positive, please let us know without delay so we can start contact tracing as applicable.
3. Class structure:
As mentioned in our 17 December e-mail, in order to optimize the Dojo space and the availability of instructors, the 6-7 year old class which was held from 5:15 pm to 5:45 pm in the past, will now be held from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
The 6-7 year old class will be held on the upper level and the class for 8-12 year olds (which also begins at 6:00 pm) will be held on the lower level. The logistics for the two classes will be as follows:
The Dojo entrance/exit for all classes remains on the lower level.
Upon arrival at the Dojo, the 6-7 year old students will remove their coats/shoes and proceed directly to the upper level. The 8-12 year old students remain on the lower level.
The 8-12 year old class will take their water break at 6:30 pm (after the warm-up and basics). This will give time for the 6-7 year old class to come down to the lower level, get dressed and exit the Dojo.
There are no changes to the 7:15 pm class (teens 13+/adults).
Since we have many families with children in both the 6-7 and 8-12 year old classes, this new class structure should simplify the family transportation arrangements. After the 6-7 year old class, students accompanied by parents are welcome to stay until 7:00 pm to watch their family members who participate in the 8-12 year old class.
4. Record of promotion:
If you were presented with new stripes for your belt at the end of the fall session, please bring your Student Handbook to the Dojo so we can update your record of promotion. Leave your Handbook in the in basket on the pool table. We will return the completed Record of Promotion during the next class.
5. Invoices:
Invoices will be issued on Thursday 13 January, with a payment due date of Thursday 27 January. In light of the shortened winter session due the delayed start (18 January instead of 4 January), a 15% discount will be applied to the student session fees.
6. Photographs/videos:
As part of the ongoing improvements to our website, we would like to incorporate photographs/videos of students taken during class. George Senpai is the Dojo photographer. Parents who wish to share class photographs they have taken are also welcome to submit them for inclusion on our website.
We want to make sure that students/families are comfortable with us posting their photographs/videos on our website. If you do not want your photographs/videos posted on our website, please let us know by return e-mail; we will make a note on your student registration form accordingly.
7. Session dates:
The winter session will run from Tuesday 18 January to Thursday 17 March (11 weeks); testing will take place on Tuesday 15 March and test results announced on Thursday 17 March.
The spring session will run from Tuesday 22 March to Thursday 16 June (13 weeks); testing will take place on Tuesday 14 June and test results announced on Thursday 16 June. There will be regular classes during the school spring break (21 March – 1 Apr).
For more details, see our website calendar (https://www.shoreikankarateshuswap.ca/new-page-for-calendar)