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Saturday 1 October
Meet, Greet and Eat 
The Saturday 27 August fundraiser event tickets quickly sold out; many more people (volunteers and community members) would have liked to attend to meet the Ukrainian families.  As well, due to the overwhelming response from the local community, only half of the donated auction items could be included in the silent auction.  As a result, we will be holding a follow-on event on Saturday 1 October in Blind Bay.  See the poster below for more information.  EVERYONE IS WELCOME.
Shuswap Support to Ukrainians - 1 Oct 2022 event poster - updated 22 Sep 2022_001.jpg
Shuswap Support to Ukrainians - 1 Oct 2022 auction poster - updated  24 Sep 2022_001.jpg
Saturday 1 October
Meet, Greet & Eat
Shuswap Lake Estates Community Centre
See poster
on this page
Go Fund Me thermometer - for website - dated 27 Sep 2022_001.jpg
Thank you with sunflower.jfif
As this is the last update for 2022 (there will be no update on Mon 26 Dec), I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of our community who have contributed in one way or another to our Shuswap Support to Ukrainians project.  Your dedication and generosity have been overwhelming and energizing.  This project has united members of our community in a common cause to assist Ukrainian families affected by the ongoing war.

Since Aug, we have welcomed with open arms Daria, Illia, Alex, Vasyl, Dmytro, Mykhailo, Sofiia and Vasilisa.  We look forward to welcoming Mariia and Dmytro on 28 Dec, and hopefully in Jan, the Balabak family (Dario, Anna, Nikol, Dilan) and the Mozol/Zasiekina family (Mikhailo, Svitlana, Vitalina, Olesia, Marika).  In 2023, we need to continue providing the support they require to not only settle, but thrive in our community.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.  I look forward to continuing to share with you this crucial and rewarding journey.

With the holiday season upon us, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress has developed two guides to assist us in learning about Ukrainian Christmas traditions as well as Ukrainians who are experiencing Christmas in Canada for the first time.  See weekly update #37 above for more details.
Ukrainian Christmas Traditions and Customs
(in English)
in Canada
(in Ukrainian)
Dmytro Konobieiev
(Daria's husband)
Mariia Bulgakova
(Daria's mother)
Would like to attend the Vigil? 
See the weekly update below for more details.
More than 100 people braved the frigid temperatures to attend the Friday 24 Feb Candlelit Vigil at the Vernon city hall to mark one year since the Russian invasion.  For more information, see the media articles on and Lake Country calendar.
for our Ukrainian newcomers
Weekend of 5-6-7 May 
at the Blind Bay Memorial Hall
(more details on Mon 10 Apr)
Balabak family.png
Balabak family
(To be determined)
In order to quantify the tremendous level of support the Shuswap community has provided in 2022 to our Ukrainian families, we are in the process of compiling a few statistics.  The numbers will be published on the website as they become available over the coming weeks.  Separate statistics will be compiled for 2023.
1. Ukrainian families supported:  3 (7 adults and 3 children)

2. Number of volunteers:  72

3. Volunteer hours:  4,800 hours

4. Value of the volunteer hours (A): $75,120.

5. Funds raised (donations/fundraisers):  $46,910.40

6. Days of host accommodations provided:  309 days

7. Value of host accommodations provided (B):  $20,318.

8. Value of in-kind donations:  coming soon.

9. Volunteers and housing hosts out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. not wishing to be reimbursed):  $15,300.

A: Based on BC minimum salary of $15.65 per hour.
B: Based on $2,000. per month.
Donations can also be made by:
    * Please send us an e-mail at to make 
       arrangements for pick-up.


On 17 March 2022, the Honourable Sean Fraser, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced the launch of the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET).  The CUAET is a special, accelerated temporary residence pathway for Ukrainians seeking safe haven in Canada while the war in their home country continues.  With the CUAET, Ukrainians and their immediate family members of any nationality may stay in Canada as temporary residents for up to 3 years.   


Want to do your part in helping Ukrainians impacted by the war?


Look no further.  You can help right here in our local Shuswap, British Columbia, community.  A team of over 60 local residents, from Sicamous to Chase, are getting ready to welcome Ukrainian families.  


You can help in two ways:


  1. Make a donation to our GoFundMe campaign (click on button at the top of the page); and/or


   2. Volunteer in one or more of the following support areas by completing this online form:  


                                                                   1 - Education                          

                                                                   2 - Employment

                                                                   3 - Financial

                                                                   4 - Fundraising

                                                                   5 - General support

                                                                   6 - Health

                                                                   7 - Housing

                                                                   8 - In-kind donations

                                                                   9 - Orientation

                                                                 10 - Social and recreation

                                                                 11 - Transportation

                                                                 12 - Welcoming

                                                                 13 - Translation assistance


 As time is of the essence,  please submit the form as soon as possible.  Based on your selected support

 area(s), the Support Team Coordinators will contact you with more information.


 Weekly updates are published every Monday.


Thank you.




On Fri 26 May, Irene and Judy presented four hand-crocheted blankets to Maryna and Volodymyr Kosov, the newest family to join our Shuswap Support to Ukrainians group.
Zasiekina family.jpg
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